I feel happy to host “The Power of Love '' I am Brazilian I feel honored to be part of the KZFR Family and broadcast my culture and Brazilian music. I also dreamed to be an inspirational speaker, talking about value communication, empowering people to have a Loving, Healthy and Happy Relationships and also a a founder of SOL Seeds Of Love NON-Profit Organization.
Together we are going to positively affect our home and community to become a model for this extraordinary new ecological foundation to build and sustain community without diminishing opportunities for future generations.
Change yourself and Change the World through positive thinking and constructive action.
"I have 3 amazing people in this world that I feel inspired me to be a DJ. First, my lovely Grandma. I used to spend my summer vacation with her. She'd wake up at 5:30am & turn on her little kitchen battery radio. I used to wake up with the radio on & the smell of coffee. I spent quality time with my lovely grandma.
Second, Irineu Toledo, journalist & broadcaster in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Creator of the first journalism program at FM with a focus on personal development, work, business and motivation. I used to wake up early just to listen to his program. His voice lead & transformed my life with inspiring messages to start the day.
Third the KZFR Family. Specially Hondo, I feel grateful for his help with the first step of becoming a DJ. Steve O'Bryan, I feel happy that he unexpectedly put me on the air. I have so much gratitude for Diana Suzuki who trusted me to sub many of her shows. I feel happy being with Jan Bielfelt who showed me how to use the computer. Bill Mash with his good energy & help with my first demo interview. Dan Carter helped me with my great second demo & interview with Montriel Jamari that also inspired me to do my own podcast. Stephen & Susan Tchudi for letting me watch them doing great interviews. Kev, Jim, Rick Anderson, Shoshana, Sr Felipe, Rafiki, Smiley, Cohen & Sanjay for welcoming me on their shows. About 2 year ago, when I met KZFR DJ Hondo volunteering for KZFR at the Farmers Market, I shared with him that I had a dream to play Brazilian sounds and inspiring people to transform their lives through positive thinking. Then a year later, I crossed Hondo leaving KZFR & he asked me about my dream. I said, "I still have it & I am ready to start". I got my application & a list of certified programmers that I could start my training with. I contacted them all and made appointments with almost all of the. I fell in love with them all, they welcomed me & showed me their style. About 20 days later, I got approved for my certification test. In October of 2019, I felt amazingly happy to have my own show. Writing this made me realize that I am doing the same as my grandma, but now my radio is KZFR (People Power Radio, Local Community Radio)
With Love,
Eliane Cristina da Silva (Lili SOL)
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/elics77
Founder, President and Volunteer of SOL <Seeds Of Love > The Healing Center
Non-Profit Organization, a School of Arts and Community LoveHealthyHappyCare.
Located at 6626 Skyway, Paradise, CA, 95969.
www.SOLOrganization.org (We are building)
Instagram: @SOLOrganization
Phone: (530) 933-6433
Lili Sol
KZFR 90.1 FM People Powered Radio Chico, CA
STUDIO 530-895-0131
OFFICE 530-895-0706
FAX 530-895-0775
341 Broadway Suite 411, Chico, CA, 95928

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